Monday, 15 October 2012

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He came to set us free, not now or in the future, more chains, shackles them, past, object. We put ourselves, or our parents are with us, or one of us, no matter what others have allowed us to keep it from their title. "Son sets free is free indeed, for whom" force and violence, and the violent take the Kingdom of God is now! We take the sword of the Word of God and thistles, thorns and turbulence is suppressed below the mean, maybe even years, they stuck around and torment us. The Holy Spirit gives them what they're up to something else, that is not normal in nature that can be trapped for years too.

The UN Empathy and the sins of the UN - dealt with torment, it's simple. Let's Word, Spirit and blood, teeth that do not have anything, the things we have inside us that is tearing apart the roots above all names that can be applied, but it is not. Contact us in hand and a Masters from the trap to keep us in jail for the past issues that have been distorted flags and screen. Today we take the sword of the Spirit, all the way to the right until the root of the problems that, flags, screens and walls come tumbling down to all.It is not a sin that you take care of yourself, or your parents. You understand that today is totally different from rehma received from you yesterday, that you are the Word of God, some angry parent or a husband or boyfriend who is not about who you are. It is not the fact that the weather, which is the Word of God today that the number you are him. Even today, the facts, the truth of the Word of God can change.
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